„The problem isn’t artificial intelligence but the illusion of intelligence, and the way AI systems can mislead us.“

Jaron LanierKI-Kritiker und Virtual-Reality-Pionier

„AI will become an incredibly powerful tool to benefit society. But it’s up to us to make sure that it benefits everyone.“

Yann LeCunChief AI Scientist bei Meta und Turing Award Gewinner

„AI will become an incredibly powerful tool to benefit society. But it’s up to us to make sure that it benefits everyone.“

Demis HassabisCEO und Mitgründer von DeepMind

„Deep learning is going to be able to do everything.“

Geoffrey HintonPionier des Deep Learning

AI is the new electricity. Just as electricity transformed industries 100 years ago, AI will transform every industry today.

Andrew NgMitgründer von Google Brain

„The future of artificial intelligence is not about man versus machine, but about augmenting human capabilities with machine intelligence.“

Fei-Fei LiLeiterin des Stanford AI Lab